Esok genap 4 minggu g belajar bahasa Korea dekat Korea Plaza, KL. Nak kata dah bole baca tu ok la skit, tp mcm budak sekolah rendah.. merangkak-rangkak mengeja hangul.It will take sometime but I will make sure I can read & write Hangul within 6 months.
Fitri Fighting!!
Cikgu yg ngajar Miss Tiara namanyer. Lecturer tp tak pasti kat Uni mana tp dia kata kat Shah Alam. UiTM rasanya.
Last week belajar tulis nama sendiri (놀피 트 리) dlm Hangul... salah sikit jer..
Berminat nak masuk kelas ni, kenala register melalui e-mail once new intake open (Jan 2012) for Level 1 class (3 classes available 1A -Monday, 1B - Thursday & 1C-Friday). The day may change due to availability of the teacher's.
For Level 2 class, it only open for student's whom manage finished Level 1 class & pass the test.
For further detail visit Korea Plaza :-
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